VAT and digital platforms facilitating supplies of services: Acting in their own name?

VAT and digital platforms facilitating supplies of services: Acting in their own name

It is likely that we will soon have the decision from the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the Fenix Case (C-695/20). The question referred to the Court by the United Kingdom seeks to clarify whether the provisions of Article 9a of the VAT Implementing Regulation, related to the role of digital platforms intermediating in…

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New VAT rules for e-commerce. Really a simplification? (English)

On July 1st 2021, the new VAT regulations for e-commerce operations came into force throughout the EU. These new regulations are mainly contained in two EU Directives (Directives 2017/2455 and 2019/1995) and aim to simplify the VAT taxation of e-commerce through the approval of different one-stop shop systems that can be used by e-commerce operators…

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Fixed establishments and VAT. The THE ECJ’S TITANIUM case. Has anything really changed? (English)


On June 3 2021, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) issued its judgment in case C-931/19 (Titanium Ltd) concerning the controversial issue of fixed establishments for VAT. In the referred case, an entity named Titanium Limited, with its place of business in Jersey, rented a property located in Austria to two Austrian entrepreneurs. Since Titanium…

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IVA y formación online ¿dónde se entiende prestado el servicio?


En un post anterior publicado en este blog el pasado día 3 de junio de 2020, hablábamos de la Sentencia del TJUE en el asunto C-647/17, Srf konsulterna AB. Dicha sentencia da las pautas para determinar el lugar de realización de las prestaciones de servicios consistentes en el acceso a eventos educativos (cursos, conferencias, seminarios…

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¿Sobrevivirá el dropshipping a la nueva normativa del IVA prevista para el 1 de julio de 2021?

Entrega de paquete con el texto !VA rotulado en la caja

Autores: Ana González Martínez y Fernando Matesanz Una forma muy habitual de operar hoy en día en el ámbito del comercio electrónico es a través del sistema conocido como “dropshipping”. Se trata de un esquema de ventas cuya principal característica es que el vendedor nunca recibe ni manipula el producto que está vendiendo. Cuando un vendedor que opera bajo el sistema de dropshipping recibe una orden de compra por parte de alguno de sus clientes a…

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